Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I have been a seriously busy bee the past week...well...when it comes to drawing that is...it's way too hot here to do much else. Big thank you to my gorgeous brother and bestie for the iced tea jug and T2 fruity goodness!

Also some big news.

I've been offered a job as an art lecturer at Billy Blue Design College. I'm heading in there next Wednesday to meet everyone and chat to the director. I'm terrified. But I feel quite honored that my art stood out.

Anyway this is one of the recent pieces I've done.


  1. pretty.... THAT'S GREAT!!!! It's very much not a btw news. Congrats and fingers crossed and tha drawing looks great! :-)


  2. love this amazing picture

    thanks for the comment, following you back babes
    xx http://madelineweber.blogspot.com/

  3. You art is amazing, you deserve it .Congrats! Don't be nervous, you're so talented. You are so lcuky its warm there, I would do anything for warm weather right now!

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  4. Wow! that is so beautiful. Definitely a huge inspiration!

  5. Congratulations!! Also, I love the piece that you've showed us! :)

    star-crossed smile

  6. Congratulations on that one! I love the painting. :)

  7. Congratz!!
    Your illustrations is gorgeous!!
    Those magic eyes!! Wow!

  8. hi there sweetie, thanks for the award! sadly i'm so busy right now so i don't really have the time, or patience for that matter, to answer and pass forwrd. but maybe when my time will get more unbusy! i just wanted you to know that i didn't ignored you or something, i was really happy!

    and congratulations to the job offer, that is one of my dream jobs! hope everythings works well, you are very talented so i guess it will!

    take care of you/
    love karolina

  9. Such a beautiful drawing!Looks amazing!Also good start at your new job!


  10. Beautiful my friend!!

    johanna, sweden

  11. Hi Katie, I have a new blogadress http://neneinstyle.blogspot.com/! I really admire your drawings, especially this one, do you mind if I use it on my site?
    bisous, Nene
